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Nimonic 75 - LEGA DI NICHEL 75 - BS HR5


Alloy 75 è una lega di nichel-cromo resistente al creep con un contenuto di carbonio controllato e una piccola aggiunta di titanio. La lega 75 ha buone proprietà meccaniche e resistenza all’ossidazione ad alte temperature.

Specific Gravity

 8.37 g/cm3

Typical Applications

Related Specifications

Components for industrial and aircraft gas turbines

Industrial furnace components

High Temperature fasteners

Thermocouple sheathing

Heat treating equipment and fixtures


BS HR504

UNS N06075

DIN 17752

ISO 9723

W.Nr 2.4630

Chemical Composition (Wt %)

  Ni Cr Fe C Mn Si Cu Al Ti
Min 19 0.08 0.3 0.2
Max Ba 21 5 0.13 1.0 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.6

Typical Mechanical Properties in the Solution Treated Condition

0.2% Proof Stress Tensile Strength Elongation Hardness
240 650 25 <230 (less equal)
* Every effort has been made to ensure that our technical specifications are accurate. However, technical specifications included within Dynamic Metals Ltd should be used as a guideline only and are subject to change without notice.

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