W Dynamic Metals Ltd z dumą oferujemy szeroką gamę specjalistycznych stopów niklu, przeznaczonych do najbardziej wymagających branż.
Nasze stopy niklu znajdują zastosowanie w różnych sektorach, w tym w przemyśle lotniczym, sportach motorowych oraz energetyce.
W lotnictwie stopy niklu są szeroko wykorzystywane w wielu aplikacjach – od komponentów silników odrzutowych, przez elementy konstrukcyjne, aż po silniki rakietowe.
W sportach motorowych natomiast znajdują zastosowanie w wysoko wydajnych silnikach, układach wydechowych oraz turbosprężarkach.
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Alloy 75 is a creep resistant nickel-chromium alloy with a controlled carbon content and a small addition of titanium. Alloy 75 has good mechanical properties and oxidation resistant at high temperatures.
Alloy 80A (alternatively known by Special Metals trade name Nimonic 80A) is a nickel chromium alloy similar to Alloy 75 but made precipitation hardenable by additions of aluminium and titanium. Alloy 80A has good corrosion and oxidation resistance and high tensile and creep rupture properties at temperatures up to 1500 deg F.
Known as commercially pure nickel; Alloy 200 and the low carbon variant, Alloy 201, are utilised mostly for their excellent corrosion resistance. Strength is lower than for other nickels but fracture toughness is high. Alloy 201 should be used in place of Alloy 200 at temperatures exceeding approximately 300 deg C.
Alloy 625 (alternatively known by Special Metals trade name Inconel 625) is a nickel chromium alloy used for its high strength, excellent fabricability and very good corrosion resistance. Excellent creep and rupture strength make it a good choice for high temperature applications, while exceptional fatigue resistance widens its uses. Alloy 625 is extensively used in the marine industry as well as chemical, motorsport, nuclear and aerospace applications.
Alloy 625 (alternatively known by Special Metals trade name Inconel 625) is a nickel chromium alloy used for its high strength, excellent fabricability and very good corrosion resistance. Excellent creep and rupture strength make it a good choice for high temperature applications, while exceptional fatigue resistance widens its uses. Alloy 625 is extensively used in the marine industry as well as chemical, motorsport, nuclear and aerospace applications.
Alloy 718 (alternatively known by Special Metals trade name Inconel 718), is a nickel chromium alloy which can be heat treated to give high strength, good corrosion resistance and is readily fabricated into complex parts with a very good resistance to post-weld cracking. Alloy 718 can work effectively between -423 to 1300 deg F.
Alloy 718 (alternatively known by Special Metals trade name Inconel 718), is a nickel chromium alloy which can be heat treated to give high strength, good corrosion resistance and is readily fabricated into complex parts with a very good resistance to post-weld cracking. Alloy 718 can work effectively between -423 to 1300 deg F.
Alloy X (alternatively known by Haynes trade name Hastelloy X) is an austenitic nickel base alloy containing approximately 22% chromium for outstanding resistance to oxidation at high temperatures. In addition, the alloy, which is solid solution strengthened, possesses exceptional strength at elevated temperatures. The alloy has good high temperature and stress rupture properties above 1450°F and can be used for applications up to 2200°F. In addition Alloy X contains high levels of nickel and molybdenum providing good levels of corrosion resistance similar to high nickel alloys more customarily used in corrosion applications.
Nickel Alloy 901 is a nickel-based alloy offering high strength and outstanding resistance to corrosion and oxidation at extreme temperatures. Primarily composed of nickel, along with substantial amounts of chromium and smaller additions of iron and silicon, this alloy is exceptionally versatile for demanding industrial applications.
Alloy X (alternatively known by Haynes trade name Hastelloy X) is an austenitic nickel base alloy containing approximately 22% chromium for outstanding resistance to oxidation at high temperatures. In addition, the alloy, which is solid solution strengthened, possesses exceptional strength at elevated temperatures. The alloy has good high temperature and stress rupture properties above 1450°F and can be used for applications up to 2200°F. In addition Alloy X contains high levels of nickel and molybdenum providing good levels of corrosion resistance similar to high nickel alloys more customarily used in corrosion applications.
Alloy X750 is a precipitation-hardenable nickel chromium alloy, offering good strength and corrosion resistance at elevated temperatures. Applications range from gas turbines and rocket engines, to springs and fasteners used at cryogenic temperatures.
Nickel alloy C263 is an air melt nickel-cobalt-chrome alloy, age hardenable to give a reasonable balance of strength and ductility at room and elevated temperatures.
MP159 is a nickel cobalt based alloy with the same characteristics as MP35N. MP159 is an ultra high strength material, with good toughness, ductility and excellent corrosion resistance and through work strengthening and aging, achieves an ultimate tensile figure in excess of 1830 MPa.
Nickel alloy MP35N® is an ultra-high strength nickel-cobalt alloy, with good ductility, oxidation and corrosion resistance which is hardened through work hardening and ageing.
Dynamic Metals is a Rene 41 nickel alloy (AMS 5712, AMS 5713) UK supplier. We deliver high quality metal ans no minimum orders on stock bar, sheet and plate.
Dynamic Metals is a Waspaloy® nickel alloy (AMS 5706, AMS 5707) supplier. We deliver high quality metal and no minimum orders on stock bar, sheet and plate.
Alloy 90 is an age hardenable, creep resisting alloy for service at temperatures up to 920 Deg C.